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Detailed information on the Clerkship Curriculum is available here.
Third Year Clerkship in Paediatrics
During the six-week Paediatric Clerkship, it is anticipated that the student will consolidate their paediatric knowledge and skills acquired in the pre-clerkship courses. Each rotation starts with an Orientation Day, where expectations and detailed objectives for the Paediatric Clerkship are reviewed with the students. During the six week rotation, students will be exposed to inpatient and ambulatory paediatrics by placements in one of the following paediatric practice settings:
- A three-week rotation at The Hospital for Sick Children which may include either a placement on the paediatric wards, the Emergency Department, in addition to three weeks in a community paediatrician's office.
- A six-week rotation in a paediatric unit at a community hospital.
Method of Evaluation
Student evaluations will be based on clinical performance assessments and a written examination at the end of the rotation. Students are required to pass both the written examination and the clinical evaluations to obtain a pass in Paediatrics.
Academic Teaching Program
Three full days of didactic teaching are held at The Hospital for Sick Children, within a six-week rotation. This series must be attended by the 3rd Year Clerks and is open to Elective Students.
Computer Assisted Learning in Pediatric Cases (CLIPP) are on-line, interactive case-based learning modules to supplement and reinforce learning from the clinical setting and seminar series.
Fourth Year Clerkship in Paediatrics
Electives are an integral part of the curriculum for University of Toronto fourth-year medical students. The 15-week elective course occurs between September and December of fourth-year. Students complete a minimum of 13 weeks of electives. The electives program provides students with the opportunity to explore career possibilities, to gain experience in aspects of medicine beyond the core curriculum, and to study subjects in greater depth. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes are further developed in a clinical context selected by students. Fourth-year University of Toronto students can apply for SickKids electives via ROUTE on MedSIS.
For more information in visiting medical student electives click here
Transition To Residency (TTR)
The 14-week Transition to Residency (TTR) course occurs during the final 14 weeks of the MD Program at the University of Toronto and is designed to bring together and build upon many of the concepts students have learned about functioning as doctors. The course has two main themes: understanding the health care needs individual members of diverse groups within the Canadian population, and learning to use the health care system to meet those needs. The course is comprised of two 'campus weeks' which contain both independent and classroom-based learning activities, three selective clinical placements over nine weeks, and the fusion period which brings the students back together for a review of previously learned clinical material in preparation for the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part 1.