Approximately 200 Canadian and foreign elective students are accommodated in the Department of Paediatrics each year.
University of Toronto Medical Students
Electives are an integral part of the curriculum for University of Toronto fourth-year medical students. The 15-week elective course occurs between September and December of fourth-year. Students complete a minimum of 13 weeks of electives. The electives program provides students with the opportunity to explore career possibilities, to gain experience in aspects of medicine beyond the core curriculum, and to study subjects in greater depth. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes are further developed in a clinical context selected by students. Fourth-year University of Toronto students can apply for SickKids electives via ROUTE on MedSIS.
Visiting Medical Students
For those students from other Canadian or International medical schools, all visiting elective applications must be processed and approved by the Electives Office, Faculty of Medicine, at the University of Toronto. Information regarding elective procedures and the online application is available at AFMC Student Portal. Click on "University of Toronto".
Electives for visiting students are available only for those students who would be registered in their penultimate or final year of medical school at the time when the elective would take place. The student should have completed their core/basic paediatric training.
At the University of Toronto, the minimum period for an elective is two weeks and the maximum period for an elective is four weeks.